This past weekend I held another art opportunity for me and my art buddies to get together and create...and good food...drink a little wine...have a good laugh...
I started these parties a year ago...prompted by a post I read on the ClothPaperScissors blog...which talked about art parties...the first party I held was so inspiring that I decided to hold these creative afternoons regularly...designing different ideas for projects...sometimes there were only 3 of us...sometimes there were as many as 12...
The featured project this time was altered tins (there's always a project idea to stir the creative juices but if someone feels the pull to follow their own muse and pursue a different artistic avenue, that's fine too) I had picked up a bevy of gift card tins for a song so everyone had a chance to do with it as they wished...washi tape ruled the day...along with vintage contact paper...quick and easy results...instant gratification!

As we cut, pasted, wired and colored, we talked about our art...a couple of friends were in a drought...just didn't have the spark as of late...others on a whirlwind. The difference between art and craft came up...and what comprises "serious" art...and isn't crafting ok sometimes...or production work...if it pays the bills...
and then the age-old "is my art any good to begin with?"
ebb and flow...yin and yang...
in and out...back and forth...
its a perpetual pendulum... constantly in motion...
thankful for friends and art parties to keep me grounded...