My adventures with felted wool sweater remnants continue...being in a holiday frame of mind, I thought I would make some stockings...
Since the felted wool doesn't unravel, I could construct the stockings with the seams on the outside...making this a quick and easy project...I drew out a pattern on butcher paper, cut out the stockings, and sewed them up...where possible, I used the ribbing of the sweater pieces as the top of the stocking to give it a little more texture...
After I had a pile of plain stockings, the embellishing with the felted wool vases, I kept the design simple. For hanging the stockings, I used a vintage metal curtain ring that had the perfect patina of chipped paint...and neatly sewed the ring to the backside of the stocking...
I hung my stockings from my staircase banister...I don't have a fireplace nor a mantel...when I was a child, we didn't have stockings at christmas...the reason (I was told) being that we had no fireplace...which then brought up the whole question of how Santa got into the house...but I digress...
I used upholstery webbing to wrap around the banister to hide the jute twine holding up the stockings...I like its texture and red striping...each stocking was embellished a little differently...the small pockets sewn on two of the stockings could hold a special little present or a sweet holiday message...
Also...see the garland draped behind the stockings...that's the other half of the electrical insulators (the tubes from the knobs & tubes shown here...the knobs became photo holders). All I did was string the tubes with painted wooden beads on a length of red jute twine...
And did you notice the blue bolster in the wooden chair...that's a woolen blanket that I picked up at Goodwill Outlet and felted...thinking it would make fantastic stockings...but the wool was so beautiful, soft and warm (and vintage - label still attached!) that I rolled it up into a bolster and secured it with three fabric belts from vintage cotton dresses (I picked up 20 vintage fabric belts from the Goodwill Outlet in Flagstaff years dresses to be found...just the belts...)

The last couple of days I've decorated with a little holiday spirit around the house...but more on that later...
in the meantime...linking up to Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors...