what could you do if you let your imagination fly...
ebb and flow
This past weekend I held another art party...an opportunity for me and my art buddies to get together and create...and talk...eat good food...drink a little wine...have a good laugh...
I started these parties a year ago...prompted by a post I read on the ClothPaperScissors blog...which talked about art parties...the first party I held was so inspiring that I decided to hold these creative afternoons regularly...designing different ideas for projects...sometimes there were only 3 of us...sometimes there were as many as 12...
The featured project this time was altered tins (there's always a project idea to stir the creative juices but if someone feels the pull to follow their own muse and pursue a different artistic avenue, that's fine too) I had picked up a bevy of gift card tins for a song so everyone had a chance to do with it as they wished...washi tape ruled the day...along with vintage contact paper...quick and easy results...instant gratification!

As we cut, pasted, wired and colored, we talked about our art...a couple of friends were in a drought...just didn't have the spark as of late...others on a whirlwind. The difference between art and craft came up...and what comprises "serious" art...and isn't crafting ok sometimes...or production work...if it pays the bills...
and then the age-old "is my art any good to begin with?"
ebb and flow...yin and yang...
in and out...back and forth...
its a perpetual pendulum... constantly in motion...
thankful for friends and art parties to keep me grounded...
A glimpse of the past
During winter, the number of estate/yard/garage sales dwindles...so when an especially enticing entry was spotted in the local paper (lived in house for over 60 years, everything must go, etc, etc, etc) I just couldn't pass it up...
Even though I am on a self-imposed junk moratorium (trying to use what I already have before acquiring more...)
you never know what you might find...I waited until the second day of the sale so I wouldn't be fighting any crowds...and I love looking through the detritus that remains rather than the finer items.
Part of the appeal of frequenting estate sales is not so much to buy...but to observe...a glimpse into a person's life...how they lived, what were their interests, where did they travel, who was in their family...this particular sale was in the "good" part of town...fancy homes, up on the bluff, with a view of the water...the deceased was a prominent attorney. Aside from the law books, there was an interesting collection of nautical maps...and many fruit crates...a large assortment of tools, neatly arranged along the back panel of a sturdy work bench which looked like the owner crafted himself.
I didn't buy much...old sheet music and two sets of stencils...but my most interesting finds were in the recycled paper bins at the curb...waiting for pick-up...heaps of old law forms...most of them blank...with their yellowing edges and elegant black face fonts...free for the taking; perfect fodder for collage backgrounds. There was a box of old pencils and pens...I dug out a rusty pair of scissors.
The appeal of working with old and well-loved items is the story they can tell...once I get my treasures home, I look them over...and listen if they have any stories to tell...and then I get my camera...
and do a little photo editing...
More and more, I've been finding myself drawn to documenting what I hear...
its been influencing my art work of late...and was the impetus for this latest creation...
and the motivation behind this collage I just completed...
will this weekend yield any treasures? still too early to tell...
Even though I am on a self-imposed junk moratorium (trying to use what I already have before acquiring more...)
you never know what you might find...I waited until the second day of the sale so I wouldn't be fighting any crowds...and I love looking through the detritus that remains rather than the finer items.
Part of the appeal of frequenting estate sales is not so much to buy...but to observe...a glimpse into a person's life...how they lived, what were their interests, where did they travel, who was in their family...this particular sale was in the "good" part of town...fancy homes, up on the bluff, with a view of the water...the deceased was a prominent attorney. Aside from the law books, there was an interesting collection of nautical maps...and many fruit crates...a large assortment of tools, neatly arranged along the back panel of a sturdy work bench which looked like the owner crafted himself.
I didn't buy much...old sheet music and two sets of stencils...but my most interesting finds were in the recycled paper bins at the curb...waiting for pick-up...heaps of old law forms...most of them blank...with their yellowing edges and elegant black face fonts...free for the taking; perfect fodder for collage backgrounds. There was a box of old pencils and pens...I dug out a rusty pair of scissors.
The appeal of working with old and well-loved items is the story they can tell...once I get my treasures home, I look them over...and listen if they have any stories to tell...and then I get my camera...
and do a little photo editing...
More and more, I've been finding myself drawn to documenting what I hear...
its been influencing my art work of late...and was the impetus for this latest creation...
![]() |
"eye witness" |
and the motivation behind this collage I just completed...
will this weekend yield any treasures? still too early to tell...
creative soul,
From my studio to yours...
The start of a new year is always filled with the best of intentions...and organizing seems to top the list...
I think every year that I'm going to do a better job on organizing my studio space...
well, I actually made some progress and its not even the end of January!
Being a collage artist means that I collect a little bit of a lot of different things...and I have come to the realization that there is more here than I will ever need...so why not share the wealth...
I decided that I would create packets of all this flotsam and jetsam...and offer Multi Media Medley Boxes (or 3M Boxes for short) for sale at my etsy shop, fourcornersdesign
The sorting begins...I decided that organizing by color would be most effective...
The set-up...
The first steps...
After compiling quite a mountain of supplies, it occurred to me that this would never fit in an envelope or cellophane sleeve...boxes would be needed...several boxes in fact...I'm so happy that there's a restaurant supply store in my town...kraft cardboard take-out boxes were the ideal solution...
I began packing...a little fabric, some twine, vintage buttons, pages from old books, snips of old wallpaper, ticket stubs, game pieces...whatever caught my eye...each box weighing at least 8 ounces (that's half a pound of stuff!)
sealed up in colored tissue...with a label providing the incentive..."begin"
wrapped up in decorative ribbon with a signature tag...
you'll find 18 individual boxes for sale over at my etsy shop...
from my studio to yours...sent with creative mojo!
I think every year that I'm going to do a better job on organizing my studio space...
well, I actually made some progress and its not even the end of January!
Being a collage artist means that I collect a little bit of a lot of different things...and I have come to the realization that there is more here than I will ever need...so why not share the wealth...
I decided that I would create packets of all this flotsam and jetsam...and offer Multi Media Medley Boxes (or 3M Boxes for short) for sale at my etsy shop, fourcornersdesign
The sorting begins...I decided that organizing by color would be most effective...
The set-up...
The first steps...
After compiling quite a mountain of supplies, it occurred to me that this would never fit in an envelope or cellophane sleeve...boxes would be needed...several boxes in fact...I'm so happy that there's a restaurant supply store in my town...kraft cardboard take-out boxes were the ideal solution...
I began packing...a little fabric, some twine, vintage buttons, pages from old books, snips of old wallpaper, ticket stubs, game pieces...whatever caught my eye...each box weighing at least 8 ounces (that's half a pound of stuff!)
sealed up in colored tissue...with a label providing the incentive..."begin"
wrapped up in decorative ribbon with a signature tag...
you'll find 18 individual boxes for sale over at my etsy shop...
from my studio to yours...sent with creative mojo!
creative soul,
From the heart
Though I'm a firm believer in sending a note anytime to let someone know I care...Valentine's Day is the perfect day to send messages of love...
Whether its for a sweetheart...or a dear friend...or a cherished family member, why not send a simple note letting them know that they are thought of and appreciated...
I have three new vintage art cards in my etsy shop...simple images on which to write your greetings...
each design is packaged in a set of 4 flat notecards...
"friendship hearts"
"two hearts"
"pink camellia"
I also have variety sets...4 flat notecards, 4 different designs...
I like this set for Valentine's Day...fresh, pink, hint of spring...
Get all the details...
and order information at my etsy shop,
Mention that you read my blog when you order and I'll throw in a bonus gift for you...a little love for everyone!
Whether its for a sweetheart...or a dear friend...or a cherished family member, why not send a simple note letting them know that they are thought of and appreciated...
I have three new vintage art cards in my etsy shop...simple images on which to write your greetings...
each design is packaged in a set of 4 flat notecards...
"friendship hearts"
"two hearts"
"pink camellia"
I also have variety sets...4 flat notecards, 4 different designs...
I like this set for Valentine's Day...fresh, pink, hint of spring...
Get all the details...
and order information at my etsy shop,
Mention that you read my blog when you order and I'll throw in a bonus gift for you...a little love for everyone!
Word for the year
With the start of the new year, its time for a new word...a word that will focus my energy for the months ahead. Better than resolutions, it seems to me to be more positive...
I started picking out a word a couple of years after reading about this practice on other blogs...last year's word was "essence"...to delve more deeply into my art, both in terms of execution as well as intent...
As I began to ponder a word for this year, I knew that it would need to be broader than just thinking about art...the Southern Man and I have plans in the works that will influence every aspect of our lives here...so I thought my word might be "determine" or "decisive" or "resolve"...but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't decide...which seemed rather ironic given my word choices!
And finally one day, it occurred to me...as I was working on a new collage...my word is "direction"
I need to have a direction to follow...a path/road/map as to what will unfold in the months ahead...
like the branches I collected from my yard after the weekend wind storm...
they generally point upward...but there are some branches that break off to the side...while others are tangled within, twisted together...
Everything does not need to align perfectly...but I need to have a sense of where I am going...so "direction" it is!
Do you pick a word for the year? Care to share?
joining the group over at Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday...why don't you join me?
I started picking out a word a couple of years after reading about this practice on other blogs...last year's word was "essence"...to delve more deeply into my art, both in terms of execution as well as intent...
As I began to ponder a word for this year, I knew that it would need to be broader than just thinking about art...the Southern Man and I have plans in the works that will influence every aspect of our lives here...so I thought my word might be "determine" or "decisive" or "resolve"...but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't decide...which seemed rather ironic given my word choices!
And finally one day, it occurred to me...as I was working on a new collage...my word is "direction"
I need to have a direction to follow...a path/road/map as to what will unfold in the months ahead...
like the branches I collected from my yard after the weekend wind storm...
they generally point upward...but there are some branches that break off to the side...while others are tangled within, twisted together...
Everything does not need to align perfectly...but I need to have a sense of where I am going...so "direction" it is!
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edited with kk texture 100 - color at 75% and soft light at 51% |
Do you pick a word for the year? Care to share?
joining the group over at Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday...why don't you join me?
original collage,
texture tuesday,
Kick start
With the new year, comes new beginnings...
I find at the start of the year, I'm always ready to plunge into an art project to get the creative juices flowing...
Opportunity met up with inspiration when I read about Lesley Riley's call for submissions. Lesley recently published the book, Quotes Illustrated, which is a compilation of artistic interpretations of selected quotes. The initial run of the book caught the eye of a larger publisher, so Lesley is re-vamping the book and thus looking for additional art submissions that will lead to a bigger and better version in the fall. I emailed her with my information and the quote that I wanted to illustrate...once I got the go-ahead, I worked to create three different interpretations of the quote. I was allowed to submit two illustrations...which can't be shared here...but I thought I would share the third illustration which was not submitted...
the quote is one of my favorites...
I'm experimenting with a new art process...incorporating a scan of an original multi-media collage with layers of original photographs...image on top of image...some parts revealed...other parts obscured...
There's still time to submit illustrations if you're interested...but the clock is ticking...get all the info over at Lesley's site - www.lesleyriley.com/weblog
With inspiration flowing freely...and having the enthusiasm of the new year, I decided to start cleaning up my office and my studio in the spirit of fresh projects to begin...I like giving myself the challenge of creating a collage from the scrapes leftover on my work table...limitations has its virtues...
I found a few snitchels of paper targets...you might remember that I participated in the Target Practice Project with a host of other artists...all coordinated by Laura Tringali Holmes...you can read about the project and see all the artist submissions here...
so with bits of targets...and a few other scraps...I created the King Charmer...
After the completion of the paper collage, I scanned the image and then continued to layer texture over it via Photoshop...it was great to be able to experiment with different techniques and applications without ruining the original composition if something didn't turn out as I expected...
As I stated at the start...a new year always brings renewed enthusiasm...I've been clearing out my studio...and getting ready to re-stock my etsy shop with great finds and vintage treasures, along with original art collages...now if the weather would just cooperate with a few sunny days so I could take decent pictures...stay tuned!
I find at the start of the year, I'm always ready to plunge into an art project to get the creative juices flowing...
Opportunity met up with inspiration when I read about Lesley Riley's call for submissions. Lesley recently published the book, Quotes Illustrated, which is a compilation of artistic interpretations of selected quotes. The initial run of the book caught the eye of a larger publisher, so Lesley is re-vamping the book and thus looking for additional art submissions that will lead to a bigger and better version in the fall. I emailed her with my information and the quote that I wanted to illustrate...once I got the go-ahead, I worked to create three different interpretations of the quote. I was allowed to submit two illustrations...which can't be shared here...but I thought I would share the third illustration which was not submitted...
the quote is one of my favorites...
I'm experimenting with a new art process...incorporating a scan of an original multi-media collage with layers of original photographs...image on top of image...some parts revealed...other parts obscured...
There's still time to submit illustrations if you're interested...but the clock is ticking...get all the info over at Lesley's site - www.lesleyriley.com/weblog
With inspiration flowing freely...and having the enthusiasm of the new year, I decided to start cleaning up my office and my studio in the spirit of fresh projects to begin...I like giving myself the challenge of creating a collage from the scrapes leftover on my work table...limitations has its virtues...
I found a few snitchels of paper targets...you might remember that I participated in the Target Practice Project with a host of other artists...all coordinated by Laura Tringali Holmes...you can read about the project and see all the artist submissions here...
so with bits of targets...and a few other scraps...I created the King Charmer...
After the completion of the paper collage, I scanned the image and then continued to layer texture over it via Photoshop...it was great to be able to experiment with different techniques and applications without ruining the original composition if something didn't turn out as I expected...
As I stated at the start...a new year always brings renewed enthusiasm...I've been clearing out my studio...and getting ready to re-stock my etsy shop with great finds and vintage treasures, along with original art collages...now if the weather would just cooperate with a few sunny days so I could take decent pictures...stay tuned!
original collage,
A great beginning
Its wonderful to start the new year on a promising note...hopefully bodes well to have a great beginning...
The latest specialty publication from Cottages and Bungalows, American Farmhouse Style has just hit the stands...
and I am pleased to announce that I have an article in this issue...
The magazine focuses on how you can incorporate the farmhouse look into your home in new and creative ways...
I was asked to write an article about my love for metal and how this most common of farmhouse materials can be used to add a special touch...
I've been inspired by a couple of the articles in this issue...hopefully you will be too! Look for it at magazine news stands...details on purchasing single copies can be found here...
The latest specialty publication from Cottages and Bungalows, American Farmhouse Style has just hit the stands...
and I am pleased to announce that I have an article in this issue...
The magazine focuses on how you can incorporate the farmhouse look into your home in new and creative ways...
I was asked to write an article about my love for metal and how this most common of farmhouse materials can be used to add a special touch...
I've been inspired by a couple of the articles in this issue...hopefully you will be too! Look for it at magazine news stands...details on purchasing single copies can be found here...
Back to work...and 5 winners...
The start of the new year signifies the end of the holidays...earlier this week, I took down the festive decorations...and my "tree" for this year, the Lady of the Forest, returned to her post in my office,
where she works as my muse...
She proudly wears one of my mother's aprons...
and is adorned with other embellishments of inspiration...
I decided to keep the clock medallion
I made for her holiday attire...
a compass for direction, a tape measure to indicate progress, a set of keys to unlock potential...
the Southern Man's leather Leica camera case and a sentimental rose bud...
oh...I wish...if I truly had a double, there'd be no end to the amount of work I could accomplish!
Without further adieu, let me announce the 5 winners of my recycled stationery giveaway...
- Sue Marrazzo
- john
- Mindy Hardwick
- P. Cruickshank-Schott
- Roxi - Coppercurls Design
Congrats! pop me an email at amy_duncan@yahoo.com with your snail mail address and I'll get those packages sent out ASAP...
And for the rest of you...you are all winners in my book...I can't tell you how much it means to me that you spend a moment of your day reading about a moment of mine...thank you
where she works as my muse...
She proudly wears one of my mother's aprons...
and is adorned with other embellishments of inspiration...
I decided to keep the clock medallion
I made for her holiday attire...
a compass for direction, a tape measure to indicate progress, a set of keys to unlock potential...
the Southern Man's leather Leica camera case and a sentimental rose bud...
oh...I wish...if I truly had a double, there'd be no end to the amount of work I could accomplish!
Without further adieu, let me announce the 5 winners of my recycled stationery giveaway...
- Sue Marrazzo
- john
- Mindy Hardwick
- P. Cruickshank-Schott
- Roxi - Coppercurls Design
Congrats! pop me an email at amy_duncan@yahoo.com with your snail mail address and I'll get those packages sent out ASAP...
And for the rest of you...you are all winners in my book...I can't tell you how much it means to me that you spend a moment of your day reading about a moment of mine...thank you
creative soul,
old keys
Contemplating the New Year
Welcome to 2014...I'm not quite sure what to expect...new directions taking shape...
a couple of big changes under consideration...what? if? when?
Best to take each day as it comes...and so for today...let's celebrate the dawn of a New Year...
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