I'm continuing with my link-up to WhisperWood Cottage Authentic Style Series...read part 1 of my post here...
Amy of WhisperWood Cottage had six areas of design focus that she covered in her first post - read all about her post here...
In this post, I'll cover my take on Unique with quite a bit of Creative/Thrifty thrown in...
My family lives in a 1902 Victorian...it has high ceilings...the stairway to the second floor has very high ceilings. When we moved in, everything had been painted contractor white...for the most part, we took care of eliminating that white pretty soon after we moved. But the stairwell was a challenge...not only was the ceiling very high, the walls turned and slanted with the roof line making painting out the white difficult...there had to be another solution...and there was!
I thought it would be best to somehow divide the area in half - the white walls, combined with the window at the top of the stairs, brought in a lot of natural light to the area. I decided to leave the top portion white and paint the bottom portion of the wall the same color as the front hallway...and then designed a dictionary page collage for the demarcation.
I used a variety of book pages from five different dictionaries (don't even ask how many dictionaries I have...being a collage artist and knowing that old dictionaries are in abundant supply, I pick them up whenever I see them...the varieties of type, graphics and page colors is astounding...and so it's only natural that I have very many...) I used my standard mixture of Elmer's glue and water for the "paste"...I had a ruler on hand to ensure that everything lined up and didn't tilt to one side.
I ran the collage up the side wall, along the back wall and ended at the top of the stairs where the wall turned right at the bathroom door moulding. I finished the collage with a very light coat of Johnson's paste wax.
Be sure to check out the other creative design ideas in the series...and discover your own authentic style...