Today is St. Pat's Day - so let's celebrate the green...but a different type of green...
I've always been concerned about the environment - I remember the first Earth Day in 1970 - I studied ecology and environmental sciences in college - recycling/reusing has always been a way of life for me. So here's three new eco-ideas that I wanted to share with you...
A blog-
Reading the current issue of Where Women Create, introduced me to Ronnie Citron-Fink and her blog, econesting. I love that home is my nest and I want to live responsibly in it. Ronnie writes for several publications and her blog is a compilation of her articles as well as other day-to-day insights.
A book -

I recently bought the cookbook Urban Pantry by Amy Pennington, published by Skipstone Press (the same publishers who published my book, The Salvage Studio. Skipstone is a publishing off-shoot of The Mountaineers Books that focuses on environmental/sustainable living topics).
Amy provides guidance (and a hefty serving of recipes) on what to stock in your pantry so you can easily cook up a tasty, wholesome meal in minutes. With a nod to Meatless Monday, I made the Cumin Black Bean Pot with Cabbage - it was easy, nutritious and economical - a winner on all counts! All I added was homemade cornbread and dinner was complete...Peanut Soba noodles are next on the list to try...
A package-
I've become more conscientious of product packaging - especially if it can't be recycled. I had been packaging my greeting cards in clear cellophane sleeves - and even though the material is coded "5" for recycling, at least in my community, "5" goes in the garbage can. I re-designed my packaging so that I use recycled materials (old book pages) that can be recycled again once the package of cards is opened. To see my complete line of greeting cards for sale, click on my page of collage stationery.

What eco-friendly ideas have you discovered tell!