I like to give each holiday its due so I've done no christmas decorating yet...but now that thanksgiving is over, plans are underway. I like to vary the holiday look from year to year...and since I strive to use only what I have at hand to make my decorations, the design is dictated by what I find that inspires me...
This year I'm going with "an all natural christmas"...here's a few glimpses of the materials that I've gathered from my studio, my closet, my yard and even my neighborhood...

Intrigued? There's also a couple of weathered tomato cages and a carpenter's ruler in the mix as well...
But all this will have to wait...I have my last art show of the year this coming weekend...
Phinney Winter Festival in Seattle...its one of the best holiday events in town...art, food, music, dancing...
So I'll be busy with all of that...why don't you stop in and see me? I'll be in Room 5 of the Blue Building...
it'll get you ready for the season in no time!