
better late than never...

While looking for something in my office the other day...which I can't even remember what it was at this point...
I came across a folder of collage materials...

I will often collect materials for a piece and put them all together in a folder so that the ideas and theme stay intact...

I started this folder eight years ago...for the first time I was exhibiting at Fresh Paint Art Festival...I had cut out the letters from an old Crate & Barrel shopping bag...and the flowers were cut from a wallpaper sample book...there's also a magazine ad of a Holstein cow...I guess it was the black & white idea tying it all together...

I prepped a canvas today to finish up this collage...minus the cow...
you can see the completed piece at Fresh Paint, August 15-16 at the Everett Marina...I hope you'll stop by...

worth a look...

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