
Two & one-half:
Add a dab of paint, a length of wallpaper, a flourish of ribbon...
Three: a trio of hanger art

Latex paint - your local hardware store (like Lowes!) usually has a mis-tint area where you can pick up paint for a discounted price. The small sample cans are great since you can get just that little bit of paint that you need for a small project.
Wallpaper - Any store that deals with wallpaper will have sample books. These books expire as new designs are released and the store receives updated samples. Often the expired books are free for the asking.

Ribbon - for those of you in the Seattle area, Midori Ribbon has an outlet location. Midori carries an exquisite line of ribbon, handmade paper and buttons for crafts, decorating and gift giving. Details on their events and sales can be found at www.midoriribbon.com
It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3! And you can quickly swap out other images and designs - change according to the seasons, the holidays, whatever whim strikes your fancy...