I was beginning to clean up my studio, starting with removing the clutter from my sewing table...an old apron of my mom's was in the pile...I stopped to look it for a minute...what would I do with it?
A day later I was reading Tiffany Kirchner Dixon's blog, The Fancy Farm Girl...Tiffany, who is a fabulous photographer, was involved in the launch of the newest publication from genius Jo Packham, Where Women Cook. A Launch Party for the magazine was planned for December in New York City, and a call was issued for aprons to be submitted to festoon the gala event. There would be two giveaways for those submitting aprons - one winner for the most creative apron and the other winner to be selected at random. My mom's apron immediately came to mind...my mom taught me to cook and to sew...she was a tremendously creative woman (often because of necessity...what is the quote...necessity is the mother of invention...!) and I credit a lot of my creativity to her. I packaged up the apron and sent it off.
Lo and behold, I get an email from Jo herself, letting me know how touched she was with my mom's apron...and that I was the random winner! In a couple of weeks, my prizes arrived...a copy of the hot-off-the-press first issue of Where Women Cook, the current issue of Where Women Create and two books, Where Women Create and Where Women Create Book of Inspiration (both signed by the author - Jo Packham!)
If you want to read about the launch party, click here for the link to Tiffany's blog posting...you can see my mom's apron gloriously displayed!
I've been relishing reading the magazines and the books...and feeling inspired...September 2011 will mark the second anniversary of The Creative Connection Event - the brainchild from the duo of Jo Packham and Nancy Soriano, building on the inspiration of Where Women Create and Where Women Cook. I have it marked on my calendar - planning to be in attendance and hopefully be a vendor! More details at their site - just click on the logo below...why don't you plan to join me - it would be a great gift of creativity to yourself!
an update...after writing this, I determined that this apron really deserved a place of honor...here it is in my office...where it can inspire me everyday!