From the heart, part 3
Its Monday...
its the holidays...
its time for another simple gift idea...
my weekly holiday installment of 6 easy projects you can make with your hands and give from your heart...
Sometimes you just need a little something to share with someone...might be a small gift exchange with girlfriends...or a simple thank you for a special favor...these easy sachets are the answer...
Start with a handkerchief...might be a pretty vintage one with embroidery...might be a fun floral pattern...or even something lacy...
Gather up the sachet makings...here are lavender buds that I collected at the end of summer from the lavender plants in my garden...
I made a mixture of lavender with a few rosemary leaves and a bit of buckwheat hulls...the buckwheat hulls add a little more heft to the mixture without detracting from the lavender and rosemary scent. Don't have buckwheat hulls...throw in a few lentils...
I used about 1/2 cup of mixture for this sachet...
Gather up the four corners of the handkerchief and wrap it up tight, bound with a pretty ribbon...
For an added bonus...I put the sachet into an orphaned tea cup...I use single tea cups all the time to organize stray bits on my desk top and my bedroom dresser top...there never seems to be any shortage of single tea cups at Goodwill...usually for less than $1.00...
Looking for a more rustic, junker look...use a stray napkin...this one is quite festive with its red strip...how about a mixture of cedar chips with dried orange peel and a few cloves or a cinnamon stick...tied up with jute twine and a rusted jingle bell...
We're definitely into the low key Christmas this year...simple gifts are on the list...
want some other ideas for easy, simple gifts to make with items you most likely have right at hand...
click here to check out art journals made from composition notebooks
and click here to get the lowdown on making great candles from old socks and recycled jars...
what else can you do with vintage finds...linking up to Knick of Time Vintage Inspiration Party...
amy of studio four corners