
Simple pleasures

"My greatest skill in life has been to want but little"
              Henry David Thoreau | Walden

I've just returned from a summer vacation in Wisconsin...and have spent the last day getting back into the home routine...most of my visit was spent with family, but of course, there was time for junking...

We visited one of the largest flea markets in the area...and though there was much to tempt me,
these are the few prized possessions that I brought home...

The watch parts and knobs will find their way into art collages...the hotel silver pitcher will likely organize nails/pins/screws on my work table...though its dented, it was only $2...and the mark on the bottom was what cinched the sale..."Morris Hospital Supply Co Inc.  N.Y.C."

But the best find (and big ticket item at $5!) is this letter/number stamp.  I've seen plenty of these old rotating stamps with numbers...but never with letters...with which one can spell out a variety of possibilities...

Sharing my treasures over at Kim Klassen's Friday Finds...
a weekly feature that celebrates the simple pleasures of life...