Precious life
Just as one project winds up...another begins...
now I'm prepping for my August art show, Fresh Paint, here in Everett...
I often have a couple of ideas for collages rattling around my head at any one time...I knew that I needed to get working on one or two of them to be ready by show time...but as I was cleaning up from Farm Chicks...and clearing out the basement...my muse had a better idea...
I had created two assemblages for Farm Chicks...staging vintage items that told a story inside a large glass jar with a rusty funnel for the top...they generated a bit of interest at the show, but ultimately came home with me. I liked the idea but struggled with how to make them into permanent art pieces...until I came across the wooden nail drawers I had picked up at an estate sale, gathering dust in the basement...
The nail drawers were part of a huge basement workshop...each drawer held a different size nail...easily organized and within reach of the work bench...but at the estate sale, everything had to go...including the drawers...so I grabbed three of them...
I cleaned them up...whitewashed the inside to help highlight the enclosed vignette...and went to work figuring out how to attach each piece and build my vintage story...
Progress to report...one box is completed, another is almost done and one waits in the wings for additional inspiration...
The basis for all three boxes begins with one of the Little Blue Books I picked up last summer...read the backstory here...interesting mini-volumes...that aren't always blue in color...but always intriguing topics...
"Precious Life" examines the prospects of this young lad as he ventures into the world...
The metal spool is music wire...
wound so tightly...
much like the young man pictured...
The quote on the side of box
perhaps prompts discussion...
What are you doing with your one wild & precious life?
amy of studio four corners