While I was cleaning up from my Valentine Art Party two weeks ago, there were a few snippets that caught my eye...so I gathered a small collection of scraps...and was inspired to make a collage...and thought that I would, in essence, document the steps so you could see my creative process. Of course, all I can show is what I physically put together...I can't put a finger on the intuitive end...it usually starts with a color...which I find is a good common element to use when composing. The other common element that wound itself into this piece is numbers...and so it begins...
I painted a 5"x 5" piece of wood a very light pink/gray tone...and then layered a page from an old accounting journal...adding a miniature reproduction of a french envelope (leftover from the art party detritus!)
that aligns with the pale lines of the journal page...
Coffee is one of my favorite instant aging techniques...not only did I pour some coffee over the entire surface, but I dipped the bottom of my mug into a plate of coffee and then set the mug on the collage to leave a ring...already the "story" of the collage was forming...the piece from a french language book pulls the theme together...writing a letter to a dear friend (cher ami)...
The number 7 is a small sticker that was adhered to the label of the t-shirt I recently bought...you just never know where you might find art inspiration!
I always like to add found objects to my collage...giving additional interest and character...a remnant of pink embroidery thread and an old steel pen point are perfect...

With the front panel complete, I turned to the sides...a cloth belt from a vintage cotton dress matched the color scheme and replicated the intersecting line pattern...I thought it would be fitting as a finishing edge to the collage...as well as a hanger for display...I nailed the belt around the edge with small metal brads...
And here it is..."a letter to my french friend"...
bit by bit, a tale is told...how do you tell your creative story?...