
Steal like an Artist

I've just finished reading the most amazing book...Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon...(thanks a million Sandy from rhubarb reign for the recommendation!)

It was the perfect kick in the seat of the pants/knock on the side of the head...as a creative type, you need to just do what you do, taking in what fits, subtracting what doesn't, and not getting hung up on approval/acceptance/understanding...

it all fits in quite nicely with my word for the year (which I haven't neglected just because its August!) which is

Just do it...and in the process, you will discover what is important in your work and what about it that speaks to you...as well as realizing there is nothing new or original in creative circles...its the same ideas over and over...all with your unique spin on it...so get over yourself and go make some art!

and talking about making art...Cindy over at Fat Cow Studio is sponsoring a great giveaway (which ends tonight!)...she makes these fantastic necklaces out of vintage bits and bobs...very arty/creative/free spirit feeling...hop on over to her blog for all the details...because she is the epitome of steps #6, #7 and #8 listed above!