
On my nightstand

You might have noticed that I have a regular icon on my blog sidebar, "on my nightstand".  I'm always interested in what others are reading so thought I would let you know what I've been perusing...

I have three new books that I wanted to share -

Fresh American Spaces by Annie Selke is a design book filled with ideas for making your space unique and a little out of the ordinary...I like that...

Mastering Type by Denise Bosler is a guide to typography for print and web design...as you might imagine, I am a nut for letters and numbers...and all things related to type.  I plan to drool over the typography examples and pick up a few pointers on improving the design of my blog...

Though not new to the design scene, I have finally picked up a copy of Holly Becker's Decorate...jammed packed with 1,000 ideas from professionals, I love the inspiration...and the layout of the book...

Well, this should keep me occupied for a little while...what are you reading this summer?