
and so it begins

Two more completed collages...both of them part of the 5" wood block series seen here...

new work ready for two summer shows...one in August here in Everett, Fresh Paint....
the other in just over two week in Edmonds...Art in the Garden at Bountiful Home...
Saturday July 14 from 10am - 4pm...

Often I begin with an idea...the collage grows from that initial thought...and I usually give the completed piece a simple title at the end.  With my current project, I started with a title, "a collection of the heart" and I am composing the elements based on that theme/title...a different approach...keeps the pistons firing on all cylinders!

I'll be posting a photo of the completed work...when its finished...
In the meantime...I hope that you'll mark your calendar to attend one of the art shows listed above...
would love to see you...