
Summer Sale!

Pack up some cards and prints for your next trip and you'll be ready to share your thoughts and adventures with everyone back home...free shipping on all orders until July 15, enter Summer2015 at checkout.


Bit by bit

In May, I had the privilege to be one of the demonstrating artists for the groups of schoolchildren who came to see the Sustainable Art exhibit at the Schack Art Center. The focus of the show was using recycled/upcycled materials to create art...everything from mosaics to glass to jewelry to fashion...no artistic medium was left out.  The school groups enjoyed a docent led talk through the exhibit, a chance to try their own hand at recycled art and the opportunity to see a live artist in action...that's where I came in.  I demonstrated the steps of making a multi-media collage, using all recycled materials.

The process began with a stack of leftover painted wood scraps...I used these as my foundation...

I wasn't quite sure what would spur me to create...so I brought a suitcase full of materials and papers...
which would also allow the kids to see that just about anything can be used for art...

Since I had recently been rifling through a stack of old photographs, I decided to let them be my guide...I picked out a few interesting faces and began to craft a story, gathering materials...
With each photo, I asked for input from the school group kids...what did they think was happening in the photo...what was the story here...things began to take shape...

Bit by bit, each collage unfolded...
the map in the background expressed the notion that this couple was going on a trip...
but still something else was needed...

Elements shown here were chosen to add to other collages...but where...
the value of trial and error was discussed...

In the end, six collages were completed...started by me...and eventually finished by me...
but with plenty of input for the middle stages from the kids...

Each tells its own small story...with attention to detail and a few well-chosen words and images...

An art creation...composed bit by bit...


Slipping away

it seemed like it was just yesterday...it was April...spring buds were blooming, the days were getting longer, 
the temperatures warming...

And now it is June...the time slipped by so fast...how did that happen...

I knew that I was going to change the pace of my blogging posts...but all of a sudden I notice that almost a month has gone by since the last one...

It hasn't been for lack of thought...but somehow it always got pushed to the back...

Maybe it was my subconscious telling me to take a break...from blogging that is...there's been plenty of activity on the creative front...new collage work, upcoming summer art festivals, photography fun...
And of course, preparation for Art Party Portland (a few spots remain...get all the details here...)

And now Summer is upon us...my garden is flush with green...the sunsets extend well past the dinner hour...
the temperatures are maybe a tad too warm...

Though I am off to visit my sister for a couple of days, when I get back, I'll fill you in on my creative work...
until then, enjoy a few of those lingering evening rays yourself...