
Living with Art

I don't know about you...but I love sneaking a peek inside of other's homes...I'm always curious to see how other people build their nest...and especially other creatives...its intriguing to me to see how the artistic personality reflects itself in one's surroundings...

Seth Apter is running a new series...Living with Art...that lets you take such a peek...in his own words, he describes his intention...

When we see art posted on the blogs from our community, by far the majority of times it is a cropped picture of a particular piece. We don't often get to see pictures of the art in the space where we actually live. Hanging art. Art on the walls. Art over the couch. Art leaning on the bookcase shelves.

Living with Art is about showing and seeing art in real life settings. Every Thursday I will be posting a series of images shared by creatives showing all of us just how art is displayed in their spaces. Each participant is opening the door and inviting us all into their surroundings.

I'm delighted to be one of the featured artists today...along with several others...plus there's a link to view the past features as well.

Seth has long been an avid art supporter (as well as a fabulous artist in his own right!) This is one more example of his willingness to be the glue that helps to bind this online artistic community together...please pop over and take a look...www.thealteredpage.blogspot.com