
Gravitational pull

Do you ever wonder why you are drawn to certain objects?

How is it that an ordinary object can have extraordinary appeal?

a forgotten tea cup...
an orphaned saucer...
an ink splattered book...

Most people would not give
such items a second look...
why is it that they call my name?

Sometimes I can't help myself...yesterday walking the dog, I just had to pick up the rusty washer on the street...
as valuable to me as if I had spied a diamond in the road...

Sometimes I have to be sneaky...this old red pencil...the extra fat kind that children use in elementary school...worn almost to a nub...with perfect peeling red paint...it was sitting on a counter at work...can't believe that someone was actually using it...most likely dropped by a child in the store...yes, it's mine now...

My rationalization...if I left it behind, someone would most likely throw it in the garbage, mistaking this treasure for trash...I rescued it for a better life...

Paired with my favorite french postcard, they are a divine match...

And yes...that postcard...languishing in a pile of paper...
just waiting for me to come along and take it home...

its caption, "wishes of happiness" expressing my delight...
and providing more than its share of artistic inspiration...

Joining the group over at kim klassen's Texture Tuesday...my first four photos edited with kk texture carmel...
my last photo edited with several elements from French Kiss...