
Daily Ritual

As September begins, life settles down...summer always seems so fancy free...doing as you please at a moment's notice depending on the weather or the mood of the moment...

With the return of autumn, there is going back to school...which seems to get everybody into a routine...establishing a pattern, a rhythm to the day...which makes it easier to keep track of a multitude of responsibilities, duties, appointments and commitments...

Though I don't have young kids to keep track of, there is still plenty of hubbub that needs to be orchestrated... and finding a time and space to be creative can often be relegated to the bottom of the list...

My friend Kate gave me this book for Christmas...and I've been reading snippets of it...discovering how other artists manage their creative process...

I do find its helpful to have a regular routine, especially for the start of the day...I like to ease into the day...and even better if I can have a little solitude...since my work schedule is such that I get up at 3am, I have the quiet of the early morning to drink a cup or two of coffee, check my email, get a brief roundup of news...breakfast, shower - and then out the door at 4:45am...

I'm a list maker - sometimes on paper, sometimes in my head - so I usually have a good idea of what I need to accomplish in any one day...and I always include at least one creative activity.  The best advice I ever read was that if you are going to be an artist, you needed to show up and create - every. single. day.

Sometimes its prepping for a collage...sometimes its setting up a photo shoot...other times it can be designing a new product line...or playing around with metal, wire and wood...it can be as elaborate as building a new display or as simple as posting a photo on Instagram...but its always something...and usually more than one thing...

So I urge you to pick up a copy of Daily Rituals...your local library probably has a copy...and think about starting a daily creative routine...whatever it might be...

Joining the group over at kim klassen's Texture Tuesday...
kim's regular Texture Tuesday posts (and the Friday Finds posts) 
are two inspiring avenues to kickstart your creative mojo...
all of my photos in today's post were edited with kk texture reentry...