
Its not always black & white

I've just started a new creative inspiration course with Kim Klassen...be still 52...a year long class...not only covering still photography...but taking a moment...finding peace...cultivating quiet...so that creativity can thrive...

This course is coming right at the perfect time...things are ramping up here...
and I'm gonna need all the inspiration I can get to maintain calm...
edited with kk texture magicscripted at 36% screen

We (that be the Southern Man and I) are contemplating the next chapter of our lives...and considering whether or not we should move...and not just to a different house in town (though that is one of the considerations) but rather move across country...from the west coast to the east coast...the southern east coast...as in 3000 miles away...

There's a lot to think about...lots of options...not much black or white...plenty of gray...
edited with kk texture 1402magic as background

To help figure things out, we're taking a trip back east...we'll be gone for a spell...

Before we go, I'm trying to finish up some compositions for an August art show, tie up loose ends, clear out a ton of art supplies, dig out the summer clothes, maintain my work schedule, etc, etc, etc...

But to keep everything in perspective, I just need to remember to breathe...this simple exercise was the first lesson in be still 52...easy to forget...but stopping a moment and taking a big breath does make a difference...
edited with kk texture magic as background

linking up with Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday where the theme is black and white...
and plenty shades of gray in-between...