
Kick start

With the new year, comes new beginnings...
I find at the start of the year, I'm always ready to plunge into an art project to get the creative juices flowing...

Opportunity met up with inspiration when I read about Lesley Riley's call for submissions. Lesley recently published the book, Quotes Illustrated, which is a compilation of artistic interpretations of selected quotes.  The initial run of the book caught the eye of a larger publisher, so Lesley is re-vamping the book and thus looking for additional art submissions that will lead to a bigger and better version in the fall.  I emailed her with my information and the quote that I wanted to illustrate...once I got the go-ahead, I worked to create three different interpretations of the quote.  I was allowed to submit two illustrations...which can't be shared here...but I thought I would share the third illustration which was not submitted...

the quote is one of my favorites...

I'm experimenting with a new art process...incorporating a scan of an original multi-media collage with layers of original photographs...image on top of image...some parts revealed...other parts obscured...

There's still time to submit illustrations if you're interested...but the clock is ticking...get all the info over at Lesley's site - www.lesleyriley.com/weblog

With inspiration flowing freely...and having the enthusiasm of the new year, I decided to start cleaning up my office and my studio in the spirit of fresh projects to begin...I like giving myself the challenge of creating a collage from the scrapes leftover on my work table...limitations has its virtues...

I found a few snitchels of paper targets...you might remember that I participated in the Target Practice Project with a host of other artists...all coordinated by Laura Tringali Holmes...you can read about the project and see all the artist submissions here...

so with bits of targets...and a few other scraps...I created the King Charmer...

After the completion of the paper collage, I scanned the image and then continued to layer texture over it via Photoshop...it was great to be able to experiment with different techniques and applications without ruining the original composition if something didn't turn out as I expected...

As I stated at the start...a new year always brings renewed enthusiasm...I've been clearing out my studio...and getting ready to re-stock my etsy shop with great finds and vintage treasures, along with original art collages...now if the weather would just cooperate with a few sunny days so I could take decent pictures...stay tuned!