
Asking the right question...

I'm continuing to pare down/purge/lighten the load...as can be expected, I'm finding a few things that I'd forgotten about...most of which have been happy discoveries!

While cleaning out a cupboard, I found this device, wrapped in an old cardboard tube...immediately upon opening the tube, I couldn't remember this item but I could immediately tell that it would be exactly the kind of thing I would pick up and become attached to...

I'm a sucker for anything scientific in nature...with such gorgeous numbers!  They are obviously some sort of calibration...and the information on the side opposite the numbers indicates its some sort of thermometer...

The bulbous end is filled with tiny beads - mercury?

Standing upright in my glass beaker, its the perfect still life...
I know some of you are asking..."What is it?"

My response..."It doesn't matter what it was...but rather what can it be now?"