
All that remains

A crisp fall morning...a weed-covered field among the 1960's ranch houses...an old homestead...with a barn and an aging farmhouse...an orchard that held on to the end...its inhabitants now gone...the remainders for sale...

an old ledger...weighing in at 15 pounds...recording daily transactions...outlines a much simpler time...

the beginning pages bear witness to a life in 1920...and then fade away...
left blank...unanswered questions to what transpired...

the kraft envelope was discovered, tucked among the pages...
the rusted scissors and jute twine, additional found treasures...
edited with kk texture oro - darken at 62% and
second layer - hue at 39%

93 years from now...what will be left behind to tell my story...
edited with kk texture salut - darken at 60%
and kk texture inked - overlay at 9%

linking up to Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday...what life story do you have to tell...