

I've been working on a three part collage project...using the nail drawers I picked up at an estate sale last year...my first box, "precious life" was completed without a hitch...details on that project here...

My next box, "cre8" was nearing its completion...but it was missing something...I was focusing on numbers...and the ways that numbers can be good for measuring and qualifying/quantifying...but also jumbled and confusing and twisted...I was casting about for a quote to tie it all together...and the idea of "taking aim" stuck in my head...

Ok...I am a believer in karma...no sooner had I grabbed onto that thought of taking aim...and noodling how I would incorporate that into my box...Laura Tringali Holmes, an artist friend who I follow online, was offering up vintage targets for artistic pleasure...I could not believe how serendipitous it all was...I immediately responded that I had to have a target!

Earlier this week, the targets arrived...I cut one down to size and glued it into place...it was meant to be...

the finished box...

Each box in this project contains a Little Blue Book...I wanted to incorporate the book into the piece and yet have it be available for closer examination...thus the book hangs from a hook in the top cubbie...

the old metal caster wheel spins...repeating its message...

Laura organized an online group of the artists who received targets...where each of us can share our creations...while waiting for glue to dry...I grabbed another target...and using leftover scraps on my worktable, pieced together this version of "aim high"...

I have another target left...what to aim for now...?