
Taking stock

I've been a little out of kilter the last couple of months...I feel like I've lost my mojo...stumbled on my path...took a wrong turn...whatever metaphor you'd like to insert here...but things have been "off"

I had two shows where I just didn't connect with the audience...and a couple of creative experiences that were frustrating rather than invigorating...

And then I remembered my word for the year, essence...and I realized that I had not stayed true to my essence...

I continued to fill a role that I held before...but the circumstances had changed...

I attempted to have a little something for everyone...and ended up with little for myself...

I hesitated in making important decisions...biding my time...

And in a moment of frustration, pain and exhaustion, which actually lead to broken glass...
it became clear to me...

I needed to stop what I was doing...it wasn't working...and instead pick up the piece that spoke to my soul...

to focus on my art...and scale back other projects that, while interesting, are a distraction...

to participate in a community that thrives on bringing out the best in others in cooperation, not competition...

to cultivate my creative essence to fuel my dreams...

Interesting that this assessment came in June...as a throw-back to my non-profit planning days, a mid-year alignment was always a good idea...so fortuitous for me...hoping I'm back on track now...

Do you have a word for the year?  How's it going for you?