

Never underestimate the determination of a woman with a power tool...

I have been working on finishing up projects for Farm Chicks...and needed assistance with some uncooperative wire...those really hard-core steel wire springs...that you can't bend with your hands or a pair of pliers...

I called on my artist friend Shelley...not only could she help but she had even more springs for me...she was dismantling a stripped down '51 Chevy truck seat...making it into a flower bed...here's a picture of the completed project - isn't this incredible?  It will be for sale in her booth at the garden art show, Sorticulture...

After I was done gawking at the flower bed, we bent into shape the wire springs I had...with the help of a very large vise...and then we were inspired...there was an old mattress box spring in Shelley's yard...with all of the fabric long gone...and the wood gray and weathered...and the springs corroded and rusty (and I could just kick myself for not getting a "before" picture!)

In no time at all, a power jigsaw cut the box spring into smaller pieces...and then it was just a matter of squaring off the ends with the table saw...Shelley wanted to remove the springs from the weathered wood...but I liked the patina of the wood...and decided that I would mount each spring on a painted piece of lumber to give it more heft and character...

When I got home...out came more power tools...cut up pieces of painted wood...sanded the edges...smoothed on a layer of paste wax and then attached each spring to the top of the painted piece with a squirt of glue between the two wood pieces and a couple of finishing nails pounded in from the bottom to securely hold the two pieces together...a rubber bumper on each corner ensures that the weathered wood won't scratch the table surface...

I added test tubes to each spring...making them into funky vases...

Some of the vases are singles, some are doubles...

And then I saw this pic from Curious Sofa...

and it inspired me to do this...

So I'm open to suggestions...what else could I put in them?