
A pop of yellow...

Earlier this week, I had the most pleasant surprise...while doing garden clean-up, I came across two small pots of daffodils that I bought last year...about this same time...needing a boost of spring color...

After they were done blooming, I just threw them into the back of the garden (ok...if you haven't guessed it by now, gardening is not my forte...)  Amazingly, they not only survived...but were blooming...so I pulled the pots out of the debris, brought them inside and planted them into one of my square battery glass jars...with the sun actually shining on them this morning, it was a bit of a hallelujah moment!

Also this week, I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes and what good advice it offers...

As part of my assignment in Beyondbeyond (my year-long photography/creativity class led by kim klassen) I decided to use this quote...and add another pop of yellow...

Thoreau is one of my favorite writers...I admire his willingness to strike out on his own to test his resolve and the strength of his convictions...

I remember many years ago, visiting an artisan studio and thinking how wonderful it would be to have a place, both physically and mentally, where one could be creative each and every day...it was the life I imagined...

Well, I had another hallelujah moment this week...though it has taken some time...and its not always perfect...and not exactly how I pictured it...I do have the life I had imagined so many years ago...a place to create every day...

Are you going in the direction of your dreams? 

Are you living the life you've imagined? 

I'd love to hear your story...