
I've gotta crow...

I am thrilled...so don't mind me as I crow a little bit...
I have my first byline in a national publication...in the past I have had articles written about me or my work...and photographs taken by others to accompany said article...but this time, the byline is all mine - words and pictures...

It started back in September 2012 when WhisperWood Cottage was hosting a month long link-up on Organizing Solutions...with 6 winners choosen to be featured in Cottages and Bungalows magazine...

I entered my wire baskets made from hardware cloth...and was selected as one of the winners.  When I was contacted by the magazine editor, she mentioned that she wanted to do a little bit larger feature on my project...

On Tuesday, the April issue finally hit the stands...

and on pages 19-20, is my article...with my photographs and my words...here's a teaser...

A true confession here...I've been working on honing my photography skills over the last year...without a fancy camera...using my Canon point and shoot...so the affirmation that my photos were good enough to be published is a great boost for me...

I have to thank Amy at WhisperWood Cottage for her support...and Jicki Torres, editor at Cottages and Bungalows who decided to shine a little spotlight on me...

ok...crowing over...now to get back to work...