
One word among many

I've been cogitating on my word for the year...its a popular activity among creative types...I did it last year, choosing the word, begin, and liked that I had a touchstone to return to throughout the year...

This time, I'm having a difficult time coming up with the one word that describes what I want to express...
there are so many words...but I can't seem to find the right one...

I decided that I wanted to spend the year getting to the heart of what my art is...initially I thought of distill...
and then it was enhance
then hone
I wanted to focus on what was important...to spend my time, my energy and my resources most effectively (can you tell that I was an Econ major...can never get away from that cost/benefit analysis!)

So I considered scrutinize, examine and purge (all a little too harsh)
       as well as heed, extract, quintessence, essential, integral and fundamental...

Why isn't there a reverse dictionary...where you put in the definition and it gives you the word?

I want to spend the next twelve months getting to the heart of my art...whether it be multi-media...or photography... or design...

so the word I have settled on is essence...

Other artists I know have chosen balance, continue and explore...what about you?