
Finding my Pulse...

A number of years ago....when I decided to get serious about my art, I stumbled upon a copy of the magazine, Somerset Studio...I was amazed and delighted to learn that there were others out there pursuing this medium...
that was not painting,
that was not drawing,
that was not photography,
that was not classic art of any definition...
it was mixed media...

A few more years go by...I stumble upon the blog, The Altered Page written by Seth Apter, a mixed media artist himself...I am once again amazed that there is a online forum, where artists participate and share their experiences and their art, all nurtured by Seth.  Earlier this year, Seth published a book, The Pulse of Mixed Media which essentially examines the range of mixed media in today's art landscape, using a bevvy of current artists as a barometer...

Wanting to be ever more inclusive, he devised/developed/encouraged/created a number of additional outlets for artists not included in the book to have their say...

As part of finding my own mixed media pulse, I am happy to be included in two of his projects...

In a call for participation, artists were invited to submit 5"x5" collages in answer to questions posed in Seth's recent book...I submitted two collages...details can be found here.  Somerset Studio got wind of this project and decided to do an article that appears in the Nov/Dec 2012 issue...and one of my collages is included as part of the article...the magazine that propelled my effort to pursue mixed media, now is publishing one of my original collages...it has come full circle...

With 110 submissions, not everyone could be included in the article...but starting on November 4 and running every Sunday in November and December, Seth will post each submission on his blog...with a link to the artist's site...I will be glued to my computer every Sunday morning for this...I hope you will join me...

A portion of Seth's book includes statistical responses to a number of questions that examined how artists work and  and their feelings/attitudes about their art.  To dig a little deeper, Seth invited a group of artists to share in-depth answers to selected questions...all part of an on-going series called "Pulse Points". 

My answers to these two questions -

Have you ever been jealous of another artists' skills?

Do you feel like you have found your niche art-wise or are you still searching?

are part of this series which can be found today over at CreateMixedMedia...
I encourage you to check it out...and to visit the sites of the other artists involved...because it is a thriving multi media community out there...one with a strong pulse of creative juice...