
Change for the better

Sometimes things are not as they seem...

On my recent trip to Yakima, I spied these whitewashed wooden buckets...I thought they looked great - wonderful patina, well-worn look, metal strapping...but when I looked closer...the strapping was plastic!  But I had a eureka moment...change for the better...

The bucket on the left shows the original condition...with a set of pliers, it was easy to rip off the plastic strapping...

My plan was to remove the plastic strapping and in its place to wrap around a length of jute twine...the indentation encircling the bucket would keep the twine in place.  I gathered a few vintage metal numbers since numbers on buckets seem to be in vogue...the small nails that held the original strapping in place were saved...I'll re-use them to attach the numbers to the buckets...with supplies at hand, I began...

After wrapping the twine around the bucket, I finished it off with a square knot...to this day, I always silently repeat my Girl Scout mantra "right over left and left over right makes a knot neat, tidy and tight" whenever I tie a square knot...

After hammering in two nails to hold each number in place, I was done...

I think they look much better...more natural with that hideous plastic removed...
and a perfect addition to my french-inspired booth that will be at Ruffles & Rust next weekend...

and linking up to Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special...because its always great to see the inspiration out there...