Rule of Four
Though I was supposed to be getting ready for my art show...and painting the north side of the house...I did manage to slip away early Saturday morning for an estate sale...but not just any sale...a sale run by the Assistance League of Everett...my favorite sales in town. These events are run by a group of volunteers and the proceeds go toward helping needy school children. I know from experience that there will plenty to look through and prices will be reasonable...and since this was the last day, prices would be reduced 50%...the dew had to dry anyway before we started painting...I will just be an hour, dear...
I have a method that I use when I go to sales that helps me to hone in on the treasures. First...if there is a garage or basement, I go there immediately...its the best place to find rusty metal or other odds & ends that no one wants. Second on my list is the office/sewing room - another good place to find leftovers - whether its old paper, worn scissors, wooden rulers or metal bobbins. Third, I use my Rule of Four...to be considered worthy, it has to meet at least one of my Rule of Four - color, texture, pattern or tone...
My finds from this sale...
I have certain colors that I love and that show up time and again in my work...teal is one of them...finding something teal is an automatic winner. This assembly covers the rainbow...and fits in with an idea I'm tinkering with that uses a quantity of wood spools for a collage. Goldenrod yellow is another favorite color of mine...and the measuring tape with black numbers is perfect...
I have always been drawn to texture...rough/smooth/soft/rugged...the texture of old manila paper is exquisite...and the natural wood of the paintbrushes and the jute fiber all complement one another.
Whether its a symmetry of form or a function of a line, I like things with pattern...and these three comply nicely with that definition...
There's a certain vibe that I'm looking for...call it vintage, call it classic, call it ageless...can't fully describe it, but I know it when I see it. Old books with their standard fonts ooze it; iconic symbols such as these Girl Scout membership stars are also winners...as well as wooden rulers...
Home in little over an hour and spent less than $10...and still had plenty of time to paint the north side of the house...
What do you look for when you're junking? I'd love to know!
amy of studio four corners