
A collection of the heart

I've been finishing up several collage art pieces in prep for the Fresh Paint Festival of Artists show in mid-August.  The kernel of inspiration for this creation was germinated with the maps I received from Dave of Clearer Reflections...along with additional found objects that I had collected for a time...all coming together to tell this story...

I started with the title, A collection of the heart, and worked backwards (one usually titles a piece last, after it is completed).  I felt that this title guided my direction and gave reference to the story I wanted to tell...

The old perfume bottle and the broken string of pearls were rescued from the detritus of an estate sale...the needlepoint home has been hanging on my studio bulletin board for 8 years, just waiting for its time...the locket flips open to reveal an silent sigh, my own editorial input...

A Sucrets box from my outside rusting area is easily transformed into "secrets", with a key kept safely inside...foreign stamps and vintage pen nibs convey thoughts written...but never sent...or perhaps they were set free...on a wing of a bird...

A collection of the heart...

see it firsthand at the Fresh Paint Art Show, August 18 & 19...for show details, click here...