
Scavenger hunt

Its a little more than halfway through my year long online course, Beyond Layers...I've learned a thing or two about Photoshop and no longer approach it with trepidation...

Kim (that be kim klassen, our fearless leader/inspirer/grand cheerleader of creativity) has prodded us to explore other creative avenues as well...

This week, she provided a scavenger hunt...a prompt each day...to find an image that fit the suggestion...taken/processed with Instagram...

I've been busy all week, so I squeezed all five days into today...and then cheated (but just a little...)

I did take one original photo today - the prompt was "dreamy"

While out on the afternoon walk with Calvin, our golden retriever, I noticed one of the empty lots just bursting with sweet peas...which usually bloom much earlier...but since we have had such a cold, damp summer, they are blooming now...I snapped off a blossom to bring home...
Shot with my Android phone, I edited the photo with Instagram/Earlybird texture and used the horizontal blur option.

The rest of the images for the week's prompts were photos from my phone photo gallery...so at some point, I had taken them with my phone...just not this week.  I processed each photo with Instagram, using a different texture for each...all together, they make a nice arrangement...and the photo collage was created using PicMonkey...

The ability to capture life's moments has been a boost to my creative soul...and the prod to explore those moments has been a part of Beyond Layers...I look forward to the second half of our year's course...