
Farm Chicks treasures

During my recent trip to the Farm Chicks show, I did more than just salivate over the displays and the vintage goods...I did pick up a few treasures of my own...starting with this recycled art necklace from Lisa Souers...

Mine is the "ART" pendent made from an old pocket watch case...my travelling partner Liz picked up the glitter heart necklace...also made by Lisa Souers...

I was on the lookout for smaller items...vintage pieces that could be incorporated into my multi-media collage artwork...or pieces that would make an interesting photo montage...

these brown bottles and well-loved paint brushes fit the bill...

I couldn't resist doing a little photo-styling in our hotel room...the muslin covered ironing board and the sheer curtains at the window contributed to the perfect set-up...I picked up a couple of rusty bed springs...in case I want to make a few more of my upcycled flower vases...

My friend Liz (shown here at Debi Bock's Garden Party booth) was on the lookout for an old dress form...

and found her gal...who was instantly named Dollie...here is Dollie, ready for the trip home...in the weeks to come, Dollie will be transformed...Liz has special plans for her...

Another look at Liz's treasures...the hand-spun yarn is beautiful...and will be knit into a lovely wrap...

The trip was a great combination of travel, fun, color, ideas, wine, inspiration, texture, vintage finds, friendship, junk and sun...I'm already thinking about next year...