
Art is personal

Seth Apter's newly released book, The Pulse of Mixed Media, takes the "pulse" of many artists, asking them personal questions about their work and having them interpret their answers via their art.  I haven't yet seen a copy of the book, but am anxious to get my own copy...Seth is making several promotional stops around the country...word has it he may be stopping in the Seattle area...

He invited his blog readers to participate in the promotion by submitting their answers to a couple of the questions posed in the book...and being artists, it would only make sense if your answer was in the form of artwork, any format but limited to 5" square... so I obliged...

The first question was "If your artwork could talk, what would it say?"
My response...

The second question was "Who has had the most impact on your creative life?"
My response...

The third and final question was "What is the one thing you have never shared with the creative community?"
I passed on this one...I'd rather keep my secrets to myself...

But its no secret that this is the book the creative community is talking about right now...check it out for yourself...
click here...