
The Viewing

My sister and I began a routine years ago...after each yard/garage/estate sale, we would spread out our purchases for all to see and admire.  Since we often split up at a sale, we didn't always see what the other was buying - so the viewing allowed the opportunity to appraise and gloat as desired.  Now that my sister has moved 3 hours ago, its not possible to have the viewing in person...but thanks to the wonders of the digital camera and email, the viewing can occur in cyberspace - though it is often a time delayed experience!

Stacey's cache from a recent yard sale- we both love dogs and she has a wonderful collection of children's books so these dog books will fit right in.  The black iron bracket and the other interesting metal piece will most likely end up as part of the decoration of the garden shed she is putting in her backyard.

My gems from this past weekend Assistance League of Everett sale (my favorite - I love this group of older women who sponsor these estate sales - and the money goes to a great cause - helping school children.)  I will use the sugar tin to organize supplies in my studio (love the typography!), the paintbrush and ruler will be objects that will embellish a future mixed-media collage, the aluminum molds - look like a flower project of some kind to me!

Do you have any interesting finds to share?  The high season of junking is just beginning...I'll keep you posted on future viewings