I love that the numbers of "180" and "200" on the scale wore off and someone penned them in...
I always pick up silverplate (and in this case pewter) pieces when I find them - especially for 25 cents! I love the old black metal cash boxes and the floral metal trays that still carry a remnant of their former glory. The balls made from wool blanket strips are a great color...I might have to keep them around until Christmas..have an idea for ornaments with them. I adore the pin cushion and will definitely be keeping it for myself - it will be a wonderful addition to my sewing paraphernalia collection. All of these items were photographed on the petite oak secretary I bought...it is definitely in need of extreme TLC but the lines were so charming (and the price so right) that it just had to come home with me...until I remembered that I wasn't driving my Subaru Outback - Sue had her compact sedan...but with enough coaxing, we got it into the trunk and made it home just fine.
Off to clean up my finds...some will make their way to my space at Faded Elegance, some will be reborn and some will be staying with me...and I am so glad that the junking season is in full swing!
I'm participating in Mosaic Monday over at Little Red House...visit there yourself and discover what treasures you might find...