
Simplify, simplify

I've started working on a new collage series.  Its a much simpler design - I call it the "3 x 3" series - three color blocks, three pieces of original ephemera, all tied together to tell a story.

I wanted to return to the idea of squares...the origin of my company's name, four corners design, stemmed from my first designs that used a square as its primary graphic element.  If some of you have been following my work for the last ten years, you may remember that my original website used coordinated color squares for the layout.  For some reason, that design element speaks to me...so I wanted to return to squares (and rectangles!)

I also desired to simplify the collage elements...instead of layering elements over one another, I wanted the unique and individual ephemera to stand out.  I have quite a collection of original vintage elements that deserve to shine on their own.  Having found my new love with the gloss medium technique described in my previous post, it seemed the ideal match with this new simplicity.  And continuing my recycled/reuse ethic, I am using scrap pieces of wood for the foundation of each piece.

At the beginning of this post is "worker bee" - its size is 5" x 6" and has a portion of a weekly time sheet from the 1940's.

Here's two more examples from my new series...

"let me have wings" is 8" square and has a book spine from a 1941 novel combined with a bird card from the Arm & Hammer bird series.

"the joy of gardening" is 8" square and features a vintage seed packet with an original old photo and a snippet of vintage wallpaper.
I'm hoping that I'll have these new collages for sale at my re-vamped etsy store...but its proving to be a bit of a challenge to get my old store up and running...but I'll keep you posted when I have the grand re-opening!